Whenever the question “where to buy cannabis?” pops into my head, my spontaneous answer is that it depends on where you are located and how fast you want your cannabis delivered. But that’s not even remotely actionable for anyone without an inventory list of cannabis dispensaries across states and counties.
When searching for a cannabis dispensary in Mission BC you might face some difficulties as there are many untrusted brands and stores out there.
The good news is that in this article, we’d explore the go signals that make reliable dispensaries stand out from the crowd and the red flags that’d tell you which dispensaries to avoid. Also, we’d provide recommendations for a reliable cannabis dispensary in Mission, BC.
Cannabis Dispensaries You Should Avoid in Mission BC
Selecting the right cannabis dispensary is not so black and white as many gray areas could considerably determine dispensaries that are worth your time and dispensaries that are solely after your pocket without a matching weed quality.
When identifying reliable dispensaries, the old maxim “put your money where your mouth is” applies. Any dispensary that’s worth its salt should be able to back it up by making provisions for walk-ins. They should also provide round-the-clock support services that help existing and potential customers.
Some online cannabis dispensaries talk the big talk they couldn’t live up to. But you might be clueless until you are a victim. In truth, there might be no clues or “red spots” that expose their fraud.
So, it might not be quite easy fishing for the right cannabis dispensary in Mission BC. But scrutinizing their online and offline support/customer care helps you smell if it’s a snake oil commercial or the real deal.
How to Pick the Right Cannabis Dispensary in Mission BC
Although the number of Cannabis dispensaries here in Mission, BC, can be pretty overwhelming, knowing how to make the right pick sets you light years ahead of many people. Here are the four signs you should look out for;
Customer Review
Customer reviews are an informative and reliable approach to vetting the authenticity and reliability of any business. It’s one of the things we advise end-users to look out for.
However, it’s a different circumstance with cannabis dispensaries, mainly because most people are not keen to write about their experiences for fear of being judged.
As a result, if you only choose dispensaries with reviews, chances are that you’d miss out on good cannabis for that.
Interestingly some dispensaries already go as far as creating fake positive reviews to lure unsuspecting buyers. Make sure your choice of cannabis dispensary is banked solely on reviews. Check for other signs too.
For a dispensary to be suitable, you should be able to afford what they offer. It’s no use if you’d need to take a loan before you can afford their cannabis.
Some dispensaries target the luxury demographic, ultimately making their pricing out of pocket. So, ensure whatever they offer is affordable and within your budget.
Quality of Cannabis
Some dispensaries offer very affordable cannabis and a wide range of cannabis which is great. But, it doesn’t make them suitable for you, especially if their cannabis is low-grade or without class. The truth is that the quality of the cannabis you purchase decides your experience.
While you might be unable to unpackage the product to inspect, there is still a clear indication of low-grade cannabis. For example, if the flowers are heavily dried and seedy. Plus they have a low THC level.